Author: Heather Jensen
Genre: Young Adult, Paranormal Romance, Music
Release Date: May 27th, 2012

Book Blurb from Goodreads:
I’m no stranger to chaos, but even the life of a rock star couldn’t prepare me for the consequences of loving a vampire. I’m risking more than my career to be with Aurora. My life is in danger, threatened by the very group I must join to stay alive. –Trey
I have to keep Trey alive until I can make him a vampire, but my own kind will stop at nothing to prevent it. The Emissary is having me followed, and if I can’t figure out who is behind the violent attacks Trey won’t make it to the full moon. Am I even powerful enough to carry Trey through the change, or will he be left floating in the wake of destruction? –Aurora
Surprisingly, I now realize that I really don't give a damn about the paranormal stuffs in this book. I was more into it because of the romance between Trey and Aurora, and the music. It's like the vamp part was just some minor stuff and not really about it. LOL.
In the first part, the vamp part is almost non-existent, save a few mention of blood, fangs, Damir, Emissary, and whatever else there is. But that didn't mean the story is not great. I really love Trey cause he's really a sweet person, totally different from the cocky jerkish guys I've been reading in the last week. It's refreshing. I didn't know how many times I let my jaw dropped, how many times I feel like my eyes would pop out for getting so wide. *laughs*
And I absolutely love Trey for doing that event. It really surprised me and well, of course, Aurora. I didn't expect that will happen. Cause I really thought it's not that. Jensen deceived me well! And that's a good thing, mind you. I got teary eyed for a lot of moments right from the start to that event. I wish I could have it done too and got a stress free day. :P
The vampire part just came after the Ritual. And I really don't mind it. I like how it goes, but still I can't give it a 5-stars cause the vampire part is really kind of lacking. But well, I still love it even though it's like that cause the relationship between Trey and Aurora plus the music makes up for it.
What can I say? I'm a sucker for rock stars and a sweet story, so this book is definitely for me. I really like it from the bottom of my slow reading brain and heart. :P I recommend it to everyone who likes Rock stars and some paranormal romance, but don't expect too much about the paranormal part. :)
Thank you for your review of Immortals And Melodies and for all of your wonderful comments. I'm glad you liked Trey's little *event.* It was so much fun to write! It takes a lot of time to write a review and post it, and I appreciate that you did that. It's a big deal for an author when a reader helps to spread the word. ;) Thanks again!
I love Trey's event! :) I totally am shocked cause I really really didn't expect that to happen. And Thank YOU for writing such a good story and for going out of your way to comment in my review! BTW, I totally like Chase Crawford for Trey too! *wink* I can't wait for the next book! :) Good luck to you Heather!
Thanks again Lexie! Chase is a great fit for Trey, isn't he? ;) I'm working hard on Fangs And Fame and I hope that you'll review that one when the time comes. Thanks again in your help to spread the word. Best of luck!
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