Review: Effortless

Effortless by S.C. Stephens

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Got myself in a deal. :o sort of. Will read it as soon as I finish my CR.

I don't know what rate I should give this book. This is certainly better than Thoughtless. The cheating part really don't do me so I didn't quite like Thoughtless back then. But in Effortless, since they are officially together, I started to like it. Heck, I started to really love Kellan Kyle. I started to see what the girls saw in him, why they get so gaga over him. Damnit, Kellan. YOU. ARE. SO. FREAKIN'. SWEET.

And I know this is so not a proper review since I'm just gushing out my feelings over the book and that hot rockstar, Kellan Kyle... But who effin' cares?! I loved it. I'm willing to give it a 5 stars right now. But... there's just this tiny bit of annoyance for both Kellan and Kiera. Although I totally understand them both by not saying anything and keeping secrets... Holy heck, just talk!

Effortless is basically just about them having trust issues since we all know what happened to Thoughtless and HOW they got together in the first place. And since Kellan and the rest of the D-bags got... in the ride (yeah, lame words, but that's the only thing I could say without spoiling the book), trust is really hard for both Kiera and Kellan. There's always the thought of someone cheating on someone.

But in the end, it was good. I even liked Griffin at the near end. I... Damn. Kellan is so sweet with all those notes... Crap. Also, this is the only time I cried because of this book. I didn't cry in Thoughtless (uh, maybe I did, in frustration), this is just totally emotional. The sweetness of Kellan teared me up. The issues between them teared me up (only the emotional ones not the you cheat on me drama)..

I also believe this should be the end of the story. I don't know why there's still third book, Reckless which would be out by March 2013. For me this is already a closure. I just hope in the third book, there's no cheating or else, I'm not reading it.

But yes, thumbs up for this one. 4.5 stars. Unlike Thoughtless which I gave only 2 stars, this is something that will probably make my friends (wink at Melissa and Dan) happy. :)

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