Review: A Shimmer of Angels

A Shimmer of Angels
A Shimmer of Angels by Lisa M. Basso

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I believe in Angels. And yes, Demons too. I still believe in my Guardian Angel even though I'm old enough for people to make fun of me believing them. But I do and I still pray at night, you know the kid's prayer:
"Angel of God, my Guardian dear, to whom His love commits me here, ever this day (or night) be at my side, to light and guard, to rule and guide.
I still pray that at night and I can't sleep if I didn't plus I get monsters in my dreams if I forgot to pray to my Guardian Angel. So you might be wondering why the heck am I telling all this things to you in my review?

Well, A Shimmer of Angels is about a girl who could see Angels and Demons. But the people around her thought that they are not real. There's no Angels or wings for that matter and she was taken straight to the loony bin. She was there for 3 years. Going in and out of the Mental Health Clinic. They thought she was insane, heck she thought she's losing it when she saw them yet again after months of being clear.

For the first part, I was a bit annoyed because of the MC talking to herself over and over and over again that she wouldn't go back to that place and that she can't slip up cause she knew her dad would throw her back to that MHC if he see some sign that might lead to being crazy again. And when she met Cam, ugh, she became doubly crazy. LOL. BUT it gets better, in my opinion and totally worth it.

I have all these questions in my mind that were not answered in the end but it left me craving for more. I want to know what would happen to the next book. I keep on thinking that she's a half-angel or something since it was what I read over the past Angel books I've read and that's it for the twist. But I don't know if I am wrong since Basso didn't tell me anything about it to solidify what I suspect instead she gave me another thing to thought of.

I can't say that I'm surprised at what happened to Ray at the latter part of the book and having that... I wanna know more so bad. I want to know more about her mother and what was the relationship her mother and Kade had.

Oh, I want Kade for her. Cause Cam is still an Angel and I don't think he is determined, if ever to Fall for Ray. So I want Kade!!! Kade is the bad boy we girls love. Say NO to good boys. LOL. :P

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